Sunday, May 11, 2014

Just took a bunch of codeine pills. My head has been pounding for the past couple days, probably overdid things Thursday night. I think the codeine pills are just making things worse with rebound headaches galore.

Thursday night was all over the place. I took a lot of speed that night – and as anyone who has taken speed before knows, it does much more than give you energy, make you invincible, and start a motor in your mouth: It makes you a drinking god! I went well past what would normally be my tolerable limits, but because of the amphetamines overriding the alcohol I pushed through it.

I found myself sitting on a bench at the end of the night chain smoking cigarettes and talking to a guy who came up and sat next to me while I was sitting on the bench. I spoke with him for a bit over an hour touting the virtues of communism and talking about how women should go back to acting like 1950’s housewives… Yeah. What. The. Fuck? I know. Needless to say, I think that’s the last time I’m going to get fucked up on speed, I really don’t like the way it made me act and “think” while I was on it. Not to mention, I was so fucked up and “friendly” on it that I probably mistook a gay dude trying to pick me up for a friendly conversation – because you know, friendly conversations with strangers always go for well over an hour.

God damn. I am one fucked up dude.

The night ended with me giving the rest of my money to a Jamaican busker who played a song for me on his five string guitar with just four strings because someone had broken it that night. I gave him a cigarette and fifteen dollars – he seemed pretty stoked about that. That said, so was I. Maybe even more stoked than him. Speed does that. Also, alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol.

I also tried and failed to pick up a few women that night. Yeah, let’s not go there…

Until next time,
